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How is VG Plastic Surgery's Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty? Dr. Ren Mingmin's Nasal Reconstruction Results in a More Natural Look

2023-12-20 09:34:27

Planning to go to South Korea for rhinoplasty but unsure about VG Plastic Surgery's rib cartilage rhinoplasty and the skills of their doctors? Today, I will explain it to you and secretly let you know that Dr. Ren Mingmin from VG Plastic Surgery achieves more natural results in nasal reconstruction.

Note: VG Plastic Surgery specializes in rib cartilage rhinoplasty, male nasal procedures, and nasal reconstruction surgeries.

VG Plastic Surgery

Discussion: How is VG Plastic Surgery's Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty?

In fact, VG Plastic Surgery's rib cartilage rhinoplasty is very good and it is also a well-known hospital for rhinoplasty in South Korea. It has a strong reputation locally.

Here are the advantages of VG Plastic Surgery's rib cartilage rhinoplasty:

1. Fast surgery speed, greatly reducing the risk of infection during surgery.

2. Less swelling and shorter recovery time after surgery.

3. Small incisions, faster healing.

In addition, VG Plastic Surgery not only performs rhinoplasty for women, but also excels in male nasal procedures. It creates a straight line from the brow to the bridge of the nose, enhancing a handsome aura, so many men also like to have rhinoplasty at their clinic.

Dr. Ren Mingmin's Before and After Comparison at VG Plastic Surgery ▼

Dr. Ren Mingmin's Before and After Comparison at VG Plastic Surgery

A hospital's strength is certainly inseparable from the technical expertise of its doctors, and Dr. Ren Mingmin from VG Plastic Surgery achieves more natural results in nasal reconstruction.

VG Plastic Surgery's Doctor for Rhinoplasty - Ren Mingmin

Dr. Ren Mingmin from VG Plastic Surgery can perform various procedures, including eye, nose, chest, facial, and anti-aging surgeries. Especially in rib cartilage rhinoplasty and nasal reconstruction, his skills are excellent.

Ren Mingmin

The characteristics of Dr. Ren Mingmin's rhinoplasty are: exquisite but not unnatural, good aesthetic sense, and a good understanding of the nasal structure of East Asians.

He can design different nasal styles according to different customers' facial shapes, rather than giving everyone the same nose. Therefore, customer satisfaction is relatively high, and he is recognized as a rhinoplasty surgeon in South Korea.

But if you have a failed rhinoplasty and need a revision, you can also find Dr. Ren Mingmin from VG Plastic Surgery. His nasal reconstruction surgery is also excellent. He analyzes the reasons for the initial operation's failure and makes full use of autologous tissue to prevent further surgery on the fundamental level.

VG Plastic Surgery's Doctor for Rhinoplasty

Now you know how VG Plastic Surgery's rib cartilage rhinoplasty is! Friends who plan to come to VG Plastic Surgery for rhinoplasty can use this as a reference.