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Looking to Tighten Things Up? Consider Vaginoplasty in Seoul

2023-08-17 11:25:24

Sex can be one of the most pleasurable sensations we experience, but it can also be infuriating—especially when your vagina’s not agreeing with you anymore. One of the most common causes is childbirth. Post-pregnancy, vaginal muscles expand causing everything to loosen up. And the result (in some cases but not all) is disappointing sex that just doesn’t compare to how great it was before.

The good news is that surgical solutions are available , with more and more women traveling abroad to save money and still obtain the same great results.

South Korea is one of the top destinations in the world for it, so have a read through this v aginoplasty review in Seoul (the South Korean capital) for more information in terms of the procedure and how it can help you enjoy sex once again.

Why Go Through with a Vaginoplasty Procedure?

Vaginoplasty (often referred to as “vaginal rejuvenation” or “designer vagina”) is a combination of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery; it improves the functioning of the vagina by tightening the vaginal wall. Undergoing vaginoplasty can not only help improve your sex life , but also your partner’s.

The surgery involves incisions either by traditional scalpel, or laser . The targeted areas are the natural folds of skin for more inconspicuous results. The procedure is done under the administration of an anaesthetic or sedative. After the incisions are made, the pelvic floor muscles are pulled closer together and the loose, excess skin and scar tissue are then removed.


What Makes Seoul So Great?

Just by looking at the city, you would know that appearances, as well as function, are of utmost importance in Seoul. Form and function go hand in hand in their culture, in their art, urban technology, architectural structures, and food. Seoul also provides you with some of the finest medical institutions in Asia and the scene is quickly expanding in terms of arrivals .

What Can a Patient Learn from Reading a Review?

Reviews received by a medical facility are the collective thoughts of patients that have been treated there. Most reviews express the patients’ impressions regarding the care and treatment received. Before making a final decision, it is always recommended that patients read a vaginoplasty review.

How Much Does Vaginoplasty Cost in Seoul

The table below shows the average prices for vaginoplasty in Seoul compared to other countries:


























Some Great Medical Departures Recommended Clinics For You to Consider

Dr. Mi Plastic Surgery provides patients with high-quality service in their ultra-modern facilities. They have more than 20 years’ experience in providing high-quality surgical and non-surgical procedures for bodily enhancement. In Dr Mi Plastic Surgery clinic, you are in more than capable hands for your vaginoplasty procedure.

Face Plus Plastic Surgery offers procedures such as breast lifts, breast reductions, liposuction and botox injections. The Head Directors of the clinic, Dr. Park Jeong Geun and Dr. Park Joon Kyu, graduated from the SNU Medical School and are members of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, the Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (KSAPS) and the Korean Cleft-Palate Craniofacial Association (KCPCA).

Interested in getting that more youthful feeling back - not to mention the quality of sex from years gone by? We have hopefully provided you with some of the answers you need.

Achieve more pleasurable sex with your newly reconstructed vagina by booking your appointment with Medical Departures today. Or please feel free to contact our Customer Care Team with any questions or concerns. We treat all inquiries with complete confidence.


Cruickshank, Heather. Why Do Some Women Undergo Vaginal Rejuvenation? Healthline. 7 September 2017.

WebMD https://www.webmd.com

South Korea Grows its Medical Tourism Business. IMJT. 30 January 2018.

PlasticSurgery.org https://www.plasticsurgery.org