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Comparison of Before and After Contour Surgery at DA Plastic Surgery: Natural and Smooth Facial Contour

2023-12-19 09:52:47

When comparing the before and after cheekbone surgery at DA Plastic Surgery, it is worth noting that they are ranked in the top ten for contour surgeries in Korea for those who are interested in contour surgery.

Comparison of Before and After Cheekbone Surgery at DA Plastic Surgery:

1. Comparison of before and after contour surgery:

Comparison of before and after contour surgery:

Surgical procedures: Double eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, mandibular angle surgery, cheekbone surgery

After surgery: Customers not only feel that their face looks slimmer but also appear more refined overall.

After surgery

2. Comparison of before and after contour surgery images:

Comparison of before and after contour surgery images

Surgical procedures: Rhinoplasty, three-part contouring surgery, fat filling

Surgical procedures

After comprehensive facial surgery: After comprehensive facial surgery, customers' overall appearance has noticeably changed. Sunken temples have been corrected, and contour adjustments have resulted in smoother facial contours.

3. Customers undergoing the three-part contouring surgery:

Surgical procedures

Surgical procedures: Double eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, three-part contouring surgery, fat filling

During surgery

During surgery: From double eyelid repair to rhinoplasty, fat filling, and three-part contouring surgery, customers' facial appearance looks more youthful.

These three examples of contour surgeries are just a few from DA Plastic Surgery. Nevertheless, the comparison of before and after contour surgery at DA Plastic Surgery demonstrates favorable surgical outcomes. Additionally, we highly recommend Dr. Li Xiangyu, the director of DA Plastic Surgery.

DA Plastic Surgery

Introduction of DA Plastic Surgery's Director, Dr. Li Xiangyu, a Contour Specialist:

Dr. Li Xiangyu holds a Doctorate degree from Seoul National University College of Medicine and is a member of the Korean Society of Craniofacial Surgery. He has extensive experience in the field of contour surgeries.

Dr. Li specializes in contour surgery and contour reconstruction procedures, including bone cement contour reconstruction, which can be used to refine the chin shape. By filling facial contours, the entire face appears softer and exhibits smoother lines.

contour reconstruction procedures

Contour surgery techniques at DA Plastic Surgery:

3D printing technology: Utilizing specialized instruments, customers' mandibles can be scanned, and through 3D printing, the design of bone cement can perfectly match the customer's mandibular angle, achieving contour reconstruction.

3D printing technology

Therefore, in terms of contour surgery techniques, you can confidently rely on DA Plastic Surgery. After reviewing the before and after contour surgery images, what do you think about their techniques?