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Semi Plastic Surgery Case Study: Repairing Wide Double Eyelids and Correcting Flesh-like Strips ​

2023-12-11 15:12:14

Semi Plastic Surgery is a well-known clinic specializing in eyelid repair surgeries. However, some individuals may not be familiar with the capabilities of Semi Plastic Surgery. In this article, we will introduce case studies of double eyelid repairs performed at Semi Plastic Surgery. You can see the before and after comparison images of repaired wide double eyelids and flesh-like strips at Semi Plastic Surgery.

eyelid repair surgeries

Repairing Wide Double Eyelids at Semi Plastic Surgery (Example)

Before the procedure:

Prior to the double eyelid repair at Semi Plastic Surgery, the customer's eyelid design was wider, resulting in a prominent "sausage-like" appearance. As it was an urgent case, the customer sought immediate repair at Semi Plastic Surgery.

After the procedure:

As evident from the post-procedure comparison images, the customer's "sausage-like" appearance has diminished, and the width of the double eyelids has become narrower. The eyelid lines appear more defined and smooth.

Repairing Wide Double Eyelids

Repairing Flesh-like Strips at Semi Plastic Surgery (Example)

Before the problem:

One of the customer's eyelids had a flesh-like strip, causing asymmetry. After learning about the expertise of Semi Plastic Surgery in double eyelid repair, the customer opted for a repair surgery.

Repair solution: Removal of flesh-like strips + Upper eyelid opening + Muscle correction

After the procedure:

The flesh-like strips in the customer's eyelid have been eliminated, and their eyes appear more vibrant. The muscle correction procedure has also revealed the previously covered eyelashes, making the eyes appear larger.

Repairing Flesh-like Strips

Repairing Eyelid Scars at Semi Plastic Surgery (Example)

Before the procedure:

After a previous eyelid surgery, this customer had visible scars and loosened eyelid lines. There was also a slight indication of a "sausage-like" appearance.

Repair solution: Eyelid muscle correction + Eyelid repair surgery

After the procedure:

As seen in the post-procedure comparison images, the customer's eyelid scars have been eliminated. The eyelid lines are now noticeably smoother and the curvature has improved significantly.

Eyelid Scars repair

These are just three examples of double eyelid repairs performed at Semi Plastic Surgery. Now that you have a better understanding of the results achieved by Semi Plastic Surgery in repairing wide double eyelids and flesh-like strips, you may have a new perspective. If you are looking to repair your double eyelids and have been unable to find a satisfactory clinic domestically, consider Semi Plastic Surgery.