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Which is Better for Double Eyelid Surgery: TL or Wonjin Plastic Surgery? Recommended Surgeons for Eye Plastic Surgery

2023-11-28 15:50:41

It is often said that eyes are the windows to the soul, but in life, there are still many individuals with monolids or sleepy-looking eyes. Considering various factors, some people contemplate getting double eyelid surgery in Korea. However, they may find it difficult to choose between TL Plastic Surgery and Wonjin Plastic Surgery. The following content provides information about the surgeons and examples of eye plastic surgery from both clinics for reference.

Which is Better for Double Eyelid Surgery: TL or Wonjin Plastic Surgery?

How is Double Eyelid Surgery at TL Plastic Surgery?

At TL Plastic Surgery, skilled eye plastic surgeons combine the specific characteristics of the customer's eye shape to identify the cause and develop a suitable surgical plan. They may use non-incisional surgery or other methods to correct the eye shape, focusing on individualized surgical plans to present customers with beautiful eyes that suit their facial proportions. TL Plastic Surgery's double eyelid surgery is known for its scarless and natural results.

Recommended eye plastic surgeon at TL Plastic Surgery: Kim Ji-myeong

Kim Ji-myeong

Examples of double eyelid surgery at TL Plastic Surgery:

Examples of double eyelid surgery at TL Plastic Surgery

From the examples below, it is evident that the customer's eyes appeared lifeless and dull before the surgery, but after the procedure, their eyes appear larger, vibrant, and the results look natural.

How is double eyelid surgery at Wonjin Plastic Surgery?

At Wonjin Plastic Surgery, doctors communicate with each individual to provide a customized design and diagnose the appropriate procedure. With over a decade of experience in eye plastic surgery and a complete set of advanced medical equipment at the clinic, they ensure a safe and precise surgery for every beauty-seeking patient. Eye plastic surgery at Wonjin Plastic Surgery is known for its short procedure time, minimal trauma, reduced swelling, and fast recovery.

Recommended eye plastic surgeon at Wonjin Plastic Surgery: Park Won-chun

 Park Won-chun

Examples of double eyelid surgery at Wonjin Plastic Surgery:

From the following example, it is evident that the customer had monolids and lacked aesthetic appeal in their eyes before the surgery. However, after the procedure, their double eyelids appear natural, dynamic, and aesthetically pleasing.

Examples of double eyelid surgery at Wonjin Plastic Surgery

In conclusion, the above information provides an introduction to the related content of TL Plastic Surgery and Wonjin Plastic Surgery for double eyelid surgery. Both clinics have reputable expertise, and beauty seekers should consider factors such as doctors' styles when making a choice.