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Garosu Plastic Surgery is Excellent for Forehead Reduction, Recommended by Dr. Kang Won-shuk

2023-11-21 09:03:43

Garosu Plastic Surgery is a reputable specialized clinic in South Korea, known for its expertise in forehead reduction and eyebrow lifts. It has gained popularity due to its excellent results in forehead reduction surgeries, with Dr. Kang Won-shuk being a recommended surgeon in this field.

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While many young individuals in South Korea are interested in forehead reduction surgery, not many clinics in the country provide this procedure. Garosu Plastic Surgery is considered one of the best clinics for forehead reduction in South Korea, offering moderate pricing. Furthermore, their clinic is tastefully decorated, and their doctors are well-known, attracting a significant number of local patients. Therefore, international customers can trust this plastic surgery clinic as well.

Garosu Plastic Surgery

Garosu Plastic Surgery's forehead reduction surgery stands out due to its distinctive features. The incision is small, and the recovery period is relatively quick, with stitches being removed after ten days. Patients can also wash their hair without any issues, ensuring normal daily activities are not disrupted.

Garosu Plastic Surgery, Known for its Excellent Forehead Reduction Surgeries, Recommends Dr. Kang Won-shuk.

Dr. Kang Won-shuk, who is renowned as the "archenemy of a prominent forehead." Although Dr. Kang has achieved success in other procedures, such as 3D-CT angle nose repair and multidimensional ligament lifts, it is apparent from his real patient photos that a majority of them have undergone forehead reduction surgery.

Dr. Kang Won-shuk

Dr. Kang Won-shuk is a board-certified plastic surgeon and a member of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. His forehead reduction technique has been endorsed by the society and published in Korean plastic surgery journals. Dr. Kang's approach involves oblique incisions that minimize damage to hair follicles, leading to nearly invisible scars once the hair grows back. He also ensures the preservation of soft hair on the forehead, creating a more natural hairline after the surgery.

forehead reduction

Hence, it is understandable why Garosu Plastic Surgery is recommended as one of the best clinics for forehead reduction surgeries in South Korea. Dr. Kang Won-shuk's expertise and techniques make Garosu Plastic Surgery an excellent choice.